Boston Marathon Bound? First and foremost, thank you Faye for fitting me in for three sessions with little to no notice and demonstrating thorough knowledge all while helping me obtain my "PAIN-FREE" starting line goal. I emphasize pain-free because with 5-6 weeks left before the big race, Boston Marathon, I had a hip/groin issue come up. I tried all of the normal stuff that I would normally do if I had something nagging me and nothing seemed to work. This was a different pain, a pain that I thought was going to limit me to walking 26.2 miles come race day. Not much keeps me from running, but I was finding myself stopping runs mid-run and walking home, missing complete days, etc. Not what I was planning or hoping for the last couple major training weeks of this so far incredible training cycle.

I was referred to Faye by some other running buddies that had already experienced some of the fruits of her talents. As mentioned above, she fit me in almost immediately. Upon arrival, she put me through a series of testing. No, it was not strenuous or tedious, but more eye-opening than anything. The tests revealed to both of us my weaknesses. This allowed her to focus her sports massage time on me in the places that needed it most, and also determined the homework (stretching and self-massage) she assigned me. We started each session with the same tests. This was very motivating as I could see progress in as little as two days.

I think it is important to know that there are multiple types of massages: nice spa-like mimosa drinking while getting a pedicure & and then Sports Massage. The work and knowledge that Faye shared with me during my sports massage was just like sport in itself: goal and performance driven. Her understanding of the human antimony allowed her to focus on areas that may not make sense until you realized the connectivity for our human workings. At the end of the day, we accomplished our goal.

Within a week and 3 sessions, I was back on the streets prepping for the biggest race of my life. Thanks again Faye for getting me to the line pain-free! Mother Nature, I've got other words for you.

I would highly recommend Faye if you are looking for a High-Performance Goal Driven Sports Massage.
J. M.

I went to see Faye when a chronic tightness in my hip had gotten so bad that simple movements had become a struggle, and I am ecstatic over the results! Faye worked hard to help me find not just some relief but rather a solution to what was causing this discomfort for so many years. When you walk into her office it is clear she is not just a massage therapist but a skilled body worker with many skills and tools to help you.

Rather than just give me a massage she took the time to listen to my issue, took me through a movement assessment, then used her skill as a Neurokinetic Therapist to assess my body's specific weaknesses and compensation patterns to find the root cause of the pain. Over the appointment, Faye used at least 4 different therapy techniques to treat me and gave me easy homework in order to resolve the root cause. I truly appreciated her educating me in this way.

My hip felt much better after that first visit, and after doing the homework it progressively got better. I can honestly say my hip has never felt and moved this well! I will definitely be returning to see Faye for any future issues!
B. S.

About five years ago, I had a zip-lining accident in which I injured my knee, requiring twelve stitches. Since that time, I'd had pain, discomfort, and occasional swelling that would get better or worse depending on the season. It had gotten to the point that I walked with a slight limp, and neither medications nor a knee brace offered any relief.

Faye took the time to not only examine my knee, but also other areas of my leg and back that were being affected indirectly by that injury. She unraveled the source of the pain and used cupping therapy, NKT, and deep-tissue massage to address these issues. She also taught me specific stretching exercises and offered advice on how to care for my knee and back on a daily basis.

In only two sessions with Faye, the pain in my knee, as well as my back, was gone. I have continued the stretching regimen and will see Faye on a regular basis to maintain the amazing work she has done. If you are in pain of any kind, I cannot recommend Faye highly enough!
J. S.

While I'm not a competitive athlete, I do have a very busy and often stressful life that sometimes translates into pain, fatigue, and general discomfort. I went to Faye hoping to get a relaxing and rejuvenating massage, but I ended up with so much more! Faye is truly gifted at finding the source of pain, and she uses many different techniques to relieve it.

She took the time to examine the problem spots that I told her about - tightness in my shoulder blades and neck, as well as an all-over achiness. She also discovered that a deep hip bruise I'd gotten months before was causing a lot of pain in my back and hip. I'd never experienced cupping therapy before, but I found that it served as both a pain-reliever and a deep detox for all the stress and hormones that were affecting my well-being and energy level.

Faye explained what she was doing and its purpose every step of the way, removing any fear or uncertainty I may have had about the treatment. For two or three days, I could feel my body repairing itself, and I've never felt better as a result. Faye is conscientious, skilled, and professional. Her knowledge in her field is amazing, and I will definitely continue to Evolve with massage therapy!
A. D.

I was rear-ended in a car accident in November 2017. Faye worked with me for 5 weeks, 2 hours a session once a week. When we started, I had no range of motion in my neck and the pain was shooting down to my lower back. Over the course of 5 weeks, Faye used a variety of modalities on my neck and back.

She was patient, kind and most of all patient-oriented. By the end of the 5 weeks, the range of motion in my neck was greatly improved and the pain in my neck and back was almost gone. I can’t say enough about Faye’s caring, patience, and knowledge of NKT modalities as well as massage techniques. I would recommend Faye without hesitation!
N. M.